Genre : Action, First Person Shooter, Horror
Release Date : 6 June 2005
Size : 998 MB / split 4 part 250 MB
Languages : English
Mirrors : PutLocker, BillionUploads.
The AREA 51 series first began as a light gun-based arcade shooter game,
and now Midway has brought the series to the Pc Games as a first person
shooter along the lines of HALO and DOOM. The game revolves around
HAZMAT operative Ethan Cole, who has been summoned to Area 51 to
discover the source of a deadly virile outbreak. He soon discovers that
the staff of the secret alien research base has mutated into deadly,
dangerous enemies. Even worse, Ethan himself quickly becomes infected.
While the game is a fairly straight-forward first person shooter
involving blasting everything that moves while searching for keys,
secret codes, and other clues, it does have some interesting twists.
Once Ethan becomes infected with the virus, he gains the ability to
mutate into a stronger form complete with two ranged attacks. The
visuals also change, taking on an almost infra-red interface. Once the
single-player missions are finished, AREA 51 offers gamers a multiplayer
mode that accommodates up to 16 players. Several different options are
available, including deathmatch, capture the flag, and infection, in
which players can play as mutants and attempt to infect the human
players. There are also unlockable secrets that can be found by scanning
objects, , computer workstations, and corpses. While AREA 51 has been
absent from the arcade for awhile, first person shooter fans will
immediately latch on to its Pc Games version. Fans of THE X-FILES should
also check it out to hear star David Duchovny voice Ethan Cole.

Minimum System Requirements:
OS: Windows XP/Vista
Processor: Pentium 4 @ 3 GHz
Memory: 2 Gb
Hard Drive: 15 Gb free
Video Memory: 256 Mb
Video Card: Pixel Vertex Shader 3.0
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
Network: Broadband Internet Connection for Online Features
DirectX: 9.0c
DVD Rom Drive
OS: Windows XP/Vista
Processor: Pentium 4 @ 3 GHz
Memory: 2 Gb
Hard Drive: 15 Gb free
Video Memory: 256 Mb
Video Card: Pixel Vertex Shader 3.0
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
Network: Broadband Internet Connection for Online Features
DirectX: 9.0c
DVD Rom Drive
Download :
Via PutLocker :
Via BillionUpload :Rar password: www.ovagames.com
Installation :
1. unrar A-51.7z with latest winrar
2. Start with A51.exe
3. Enjoy.
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